How to Stay Healthy (and Sane)
during COVID-19
Today is day #12 of my self-isolation time. I returned from my trip to Guatemala on March 17th, just in time before they closed their borders to incoming and outgoing flights. I’m glad I got to travel when I did, before all of this broke out. I got to experience the colonial city of Antigua and its landmark yellow Santa Catalina Arch, surrounded by volcanoes. At night, the Volcan del Fuego gushed glowing orange lava. I got to see the cloud forest and lush jungle, swim in the turquoise pools of the Cahabon River and got to witness the beauty of Atitlan lake and the richness of the Mayan culture in the towns nestled along the waterfront. Remembering the view below reminds me that my travels weren’t so long ago and I know I’ll have new adventures to look forward to.

I am grateful to be home safely and close to family, and to be in good health. But I do miss the fresh air and the sunlight kissing my face, meeting up with friends and going dancing. I know I’m doing my part to stop the virus spreading and that’s all we can do for now.
While the pandemic may be throwing us all off our A-Game (what day of the week is it? How long have I been wearing these leggings?), I wanted to share some tips that have been helping me make the most of quality stay-at-home time by staying healthy (and not losing my mind).

1. Make a Schedule & Stick to It (or do your best to)
There’s nothing worse than having an entire day to work on something without a plan. I am the best at making a long to-do list but I usually only get a fraction done before I get distracted. Here’s an example of a schedule I created. I have to be honest, I haven’t been following it religiously but it helps to use it as a guideline. Notice how I left quite a few time slots blank so I can stay flexible with my use of time, tweaking my schedule based on what is or isn’t working for me.